A friend sent me a link to a video, which struck my funny bone on several levels.
Warning: is it not work-safe (but this site probably isn’t either) and you must have a love of the absurd.
The “random” part of the “random discourse.”
A friend sent me a link to a video, which struck my funny bone on several levels.
Warning: is it not work-safe (but this site probably isn’t either) and you must have a love of the absurd.
This blog must be getting popular. I’ve started getting nearly 100 spam comments a day. Just last week, my daily spam count was 10-30. Something to be proud of, I guess.
What is failure? Really? Merely “success that hasn’t occurred yet.” Very heartening to anyone, anywhere, trying to accomplish anything. (Perhaps Townsend has a future career as a motivational speaker?)
(Yes, I’ve read Pollyanna. Although she was very chipper, she didn’t stoop to poli-speak.)
Probably the best use of Flash I’ve seen.
See a sketch in action.
Back again. Below, you’ll find Borat, my connection with an actress, basic grammar tips, geek humor, naked women, minor politics, assless chaps and happy endings for women (and more!).