I’ve bought a plane ticket to London, departing 5/16. Though I have a return date in early June, I probably won’t make it. My plan is to get my feet wet in London and then venture off to Europe on my own. I’ve gotten a lot of tips and a couple invites over the past few months, so this adventure won’t be completely alone! And there is a good friend in Sweden I must see, so since I’ll be over there anyway…
Yes, I’ll be working and yes, it will be as Amanda. I’ll play up the American angle. I think most men will be intrigued. I’m a very laid-back brand of American – probably what most people think of when they think American (aside from various politicians). I’ll be blogging and Twittering – when I remember to. Someone very special recently bought me my first digital camera so I can take pictures too! (Thank you, my friend.) I’m setting up an interactive online photo gallery on this site to store my pictures. So look for a test run of that in the next month. There will be a way for people to join the gallery, though I politely ask that no photos be posted other than mine. Comments are allowed. (I may just completely overhaul this blog theme, but not sure I’ll have the spare time. Volunteers are welcome to apply!)
Traveling like this is a life-long desire and my time has finally arrived. I plan on doing more than just Internet escort work though. I certainly want to try a variety of flavors of sex work. This is a thing for me, not a marketing/advertising thing. I’ll be paying my bills and living but at the same time, I want experiences and to find out new things. (Except pimps — not doing that.) I have a feeling I’ll be gone for some time.
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