i am collateral damage from the war on drugs

Whenever there is extended silence on here (like from February through the end of March), it’s usually because of personal turmoil. I can’t write publicly when there are really negative things happening in my life. I have to have some closure or distance first. The legal dust has not settled, but I’m no longer willing to be silent and wait like a good girl.

This is a very long post. For those with little patience or bad eyesight, here’s the executive summary: I was pulled over in East Texas and all my money seized for no real reason at all.

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the evolution of boundaries

I’ve been back at work since May 2008. At the beginning, I was reeling and incapable of really knowing what I wanted – professionally. So I tried something I thought I would be suitable for: high-end work. I had a few clients and they were wonderful. I enjoyed myself.

I am at a new phase of life. Not only am I single again after a long time of not, I’m into my sexual prime. I feel it. Some of it may be the feeling of freedom and rebirth, some of it may be due to biology, some of it that I’m no longer on birth control pills for the first time since I was 20. Either way, these few, leisurely, well-paid assignations were very nice for me, like gentle training wheels.

And I discovered something.

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to dr. phil or not to dr. phil

Back in January, I was contacted by a producer from the Dr. Phil show. I was hand-picked, he said, because he liked my other interviews and what I had to say. I would be the only one in my position (“pro-prostitution”) on the show. The topic was the whole CraigsList ad verification/sexual trafficking thing. That I currently advertise on CL (under another name), is a plus. Jim Buckmaster was supposed to be there, along with several state Attorney Generals and some women arrested from CL stings. I was told that there was going to be some massive new stings off CL and these women would be given the option of jail or the show. [I won’t discuss that, you’re welcome to draw your own conclusions.]

Well, Operation Innocence Lost did indeed make some arrests. I was ready for the show. Or at least prepping hard for it. I was finally told the show would be recorded March 18 in LA. They would pay for my expenses. Nice!

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and it begins

I’ve bought a plane ticket to London, departing 5/16. Though I have a return date in early June, I probably won’t make it. My plan is to get my feet wet in London and then venture off to Europe on my own. I’ve gotten a lot of tips and a couple invites over the past few months, so this adventure won’t be completely alone! And there is a good friend in Sweden I must see, so since I’ll be over there anyway…

Yes, I’ll be working and yes, it will be as Amanda. I’ll play up the American angle. I think most men will be intrigued. I’m a very laid-back brand of American – probably what most people think of when they think American (aside from various politicians). I’ll be blogging and Twittering – when I remember to. Someone very special recently bought me my first digital camera so I can take pictures too! (Thank you, my friend.) I’m setting up an interactive online photo gallery on this site to store my pictures. So look for a test run of that in the next month. There will be a way for people to join the gallery, though I politely ask that no photos be posted other than mine. Comments are allowed. (I may just completely overhaul this blog theme, but not sure I’ll have the spare time. Volunteers are welcome to apply!)

Traveling like this is a life-long desire and my time has finally arrived. I plan on doing more than just Internet escort work though. I certainly want to try a variety of flavors of sex work. This is a thing for me, not a marketing/advertising thing. I’ll be paying my bills and living but at the same time, I want experiences and to find out new things. (Except pimps — not doing that.) I have a feeling I’ll be gone for some time.

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travels: january/february

I’ll be in San Francisco the last week of January (have a book-reading on 1/30!) and in Dallas at the beginning of February. Yes, I’m open to seeing clients established between 2002-04 and there are a few people I want to meet for coffee and a real-live chat. Not everyone though. I’m going to Dallas for personal reasons and won’t have a whole lot of spare time. (Yes, there is a reason I’m not publicly posting specific dates but I’m happy to tell you privately.)

Just FYI.