dec 17 in hk

Today I’m spending the day with Zi Teng in Hong Kong. This is a pre-scheduled post, I likely won’t write about today’s events for a while (as usual).

Today is December 17, The International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (IDEVASW). For the history behind this relatively-new memorial day, please go to the official Dec 17 website, part of SWOP-USA.

I’ve written about Dec 17 here (my fave) and here. I’ve written about the shame, silence and death foisted upon American sex workers without our consent. Deborah Palfrey was a Dec 17 memorial victim and perfect example of how shame kills. I’ve written about survivors (that piece is offline right now) and some other scattered thoughts around Dec 17.

It’s just a calendar date, but the real meaning behind it is never too far from the front of anyone’s mind. Not if you’re a sex worker. Especially not if you’re in a criminalized country. Within the first five minutes of telling my mother I had decided to become an escort, she was predicting my death (actually, she predicted my dead body being found in a ditch, not the moment of death). I say this not to make fun of my mother — because I’m not — but that violence against sex workers is so endemic that it’s as an enduring stereotype as high heels and short skirts. This desperately needs to change. No sex worker I know considers violence part of the job description.

Sex worker deaths aren’t something that “happens”, it’s something that someone does.

words for he-man hooker-haters

There isn’t a lot of hating on my blog; I don’t get the traffic to draw the haters or I scare them off or something. Or else the bulk of their comments get auto-moderated (I have set my spam filter with some key words for a reason). But then someone posts something completely innocent online and here come the haters.

Specifically, I’m referring to Tracy Quan’s light and engaging piece on talking to a call girl. You can sure disagree with what she says. Or you can think it’s a fluff-piece. Or you think it’s a brilliant little butterfly of a post. Whatever you fancy. Then you scroll down and find the hater comments all out of proportion to her piece.

Apparently, they’re not aware of the irony that they are talking to a call girl by responding to an article she wrote. I see the same things over and over again at a number of places online. So I decided to offer some suggestions and thoughts for the haters to consider.

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A lot of people believe European starlings are pests and invaders. They’re accused of eating food native birds would eat, shoving native birds out of prime nesting spots and pooping a lot. They’re also great breeders.

A lot of people believe Javan Mynas are pests and invaders. They’re accused of shoving native birds out of prime nesting spots, eating crops meant for people and pooping a lot. They’re also great breeders.

A lot of people believe immigrants are pests and invaders. They’re accused of shoving native citizens from prime neighborhoods, taking jobs meant for native citizens and using up resources meant for native citizens. They’re also great breeders.

Some Westerners believe that Jews are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Some Singaporeans believe that Indians are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Some Indians believe that Chinese are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Many Americans believe that blacks are criminals and spread disease.

Many people believe that sex workers are criminals and spread disease.

Many strippers believe that escorts are criminals and spread disease.

Many higher-end escorts believe that street workers are criminals and spread disease.

What’s the real point of having prejudice if it’s all so interchangeable as to be essentially meaningless?

i just like this

Isn’t reverse racism when a racist is nice to somebody else? What [white men] are afraid of is called karma. Wanda Sykes