pet peeve questions

When I started stripping, it took only a couple months before I had my #1 pet peeve question. When I started escorting, it took only a couple months before I had my #1 pet peeve question.

I’ve been doing this writing/publishing thing for over a year, but now that I’m regularly contacting other people and trying to “network,” I’ve realized I have a #1 pet peeve question for both men and women in this business. Didn’t think it would happen, but it did.

Strangely, all the questions are related.

Stripping: So what’s your real name?
Escorting: What turns you on?
Writing/Publishing (men): Are those pictures really you?
Writing/Publishing (women): Can I get a [free] copy?

I have to decide how to answer.

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friends rediscovered part II

Curious about others I’ve fallen out of touch with, I decided to Google this guy I knew back when I was dancing. He wasn’t what I’d consider a good friend (not in any sense of the word) but he had a unique online handle.

What was surprising was that he was still using that identity and that it tied him to, of all things, Thai prostitution boards. It appears he’s living over there and is becoming quite the expert.

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friends rediscovered part I

Last week I reconnected with my best friend from high school. I haven’t spoken to her in eight or nine years. There was no animosity, just a simple drifting.

Most of that was my fault. We started drifting when I started cocktailing at a strip club. Although we laughed about the job, I let myself lose contact with her when I started stripping (I had a feeling she wouldn’t like it) And she moved back to East Texas around that time, which made it easier to lose contact.

As is the way of small towns, she recently ran into my mother and my mother told her about my nonprofit. She contacted me through there. I was surprised, thrilled and scared when I received her message.

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blog tag

An unexpected surprise today – I was tagged! The Copywriting Maven, Roberta Rosenberg, tagged me yesterday. This is extremely flattering since the woman knows her stuff. I discovered her blog about a month ago (maybe a little longer). I also discovered that Ex-Courtesan tagged me last week as well.

how to play

Whomever is tagged reveals five things about themselves that few people know. Then they tag five other bloggers to play. There is no deep purpose to it.

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my adult industry history part VII

One night I made my usual illegal U-turn onto Northwest Highway after 2:30am. It was a weeknight. I was tired, probably a bit liquored up and ready to head home. A girl in a beat up red car (Ford or Buick or something) pulled up next to me and motioned at me. She looked normal and there was no one in the car with her. I pulled into an empty restaurant parking lot and she pulled next to me. I thought she might’ve been a lost dancer or drunker than me. Since I had a cell phone (a different one which I knew how to operate) I was ready to call the police if she was in trouble.

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