Probably the best use of Flash I’ve seen.
See a sketch in action.
Probably the best use of Flash I’ve seen.
See a sketch in action.
Although I have plenty of topics floating around in my head, I will probably not blog again for a few weeks. I’ve started Book 2 with a bang and want to keep the momentum going (last week was a wash since I had a bad cold). I plan on finishing the rough draft by the end of December/beginning of January. Now that I understand this whole book-publishing thing, I think I can keep to a schedule and crank it out a lot better.
Although I enjoy blogging and have about 20 half-finished posts sitting in a folder and another 50 post ideas listed on a page (along with my mental notes), it’s too draining and distracting at the moment. (My burgeoning Squidoo addiction is even more draining.) I need to concentrate!
I also need to start churning out press releases and other advertising for Book 1 now that I can move forward with its promotion (see below). I’ll post if I’m really inspired and I will keep up with my other blog at its current unpredictable and slow rate.
I hope everyone has a great New Year. I will be happy to get the first draft of the manuscript done (which would mean I produce a lot more than 50,000 words in a month, see NaNoWriMo).
This doesn’t mean “don’t contact me,” this is simply an explanation of why the blog will be quiet for the next couple weeks or so.
My book was accepted by Amazon and is now listed (look under “Personal Links” to the right). I’m very happy about that. I don’t like Amazon’s automatic 55% discount off any book listed (Golden Girl Press, LLC gets a little over $11 per sale), but it’s a reputable online retailer and I’m sort of stuck with it because I have no other options. Other than ordering through PayPal, it’s the currently the only way to order the book online. Discount or not, I’m glad I’m on there.
Theoretically, one could also special-order the book through Borders or Waldenbooks stores because they are partnered with Amazon. But since that system has yet to be tested with my book, I don’t know.
Comments will be open and spam will be deleted on a daily basis, as always.
Last week I tore off a quick post about $2 bills and strip clubs. The article that I referenced had come out three weeks earlier and I’d been meaning to blog about it, but kept putting it off. (I have a backlog of blog topics, many of them moldy news items.)
The reason I didn’t blog about the article was because I didn’t have a compelling story to go with it. Sure, it’s cool that strip clubs are impacting the economy in such a newsworthy way, but that wasn’t enough. I kept rereading the article until inspiration struck and I wrote my speculative little post. I look for the connecting points in a lot of things and this one I wrote about.
Good thing I think the way I do.
An unexpected surprise today – I was tagged! The Copywriting Maven, Roberta Rosenberg, tagged me yesterday. This is extremely flattering since the woman knows her stuff. I discovered her blog about a month ago (maybe a little longer). I also discovered that Ex-Courtesan tagged me last week as well.
Whomever is tagged reveals five things about themselves that few people know. Then they tag five other bloggers to play. There is no deep purpose to it.
Back again. Below, you’ll find Borat, my connection with an actress, basic grammar tips, geek humor, naked women, minor politics, assless chaps and happy endings for women (and more!).