how my personal choices affect everyone else who isn’t me

I should have Storified this but didn’t because I only have so much time and energy.

A question was posed on Twitter about not seeing guys of a certain race. I gave a flip, but honest answer, about why I no longer see Indian clients (even though Indians aren’t actually a race, they’re an ethnicity). And I don’t. I made that decision a year ago, after months of soul-searching and debate.

All of that debate was with two friends who would hear about my complaints after each and every appointment with Indian guys and they would pose the obvious solution: “Stop seeing Indian clients.” I would argue back with all the arguments I got on Twitter, plus my worry about it affecting my finances.

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A lot of people believe European starlings are pests and invaders. They’re accused of eating food native birds would eat, shoving native birds out of prime nesting spots and pooping a lot. They’re also great breeders.

A lot of people believe Javan Mynas are pests and invaders. They’re accused of shoving native birds out of prime nesting spots, eating crops meant for people and pooping a lot. They’re also great breeders.

A lot of people believe immigrants are pests and invaders. They’re accused of shoving native citizens from prime neighborhoods, taking jobs meant for native citizens and using up resources meant for native citizens. They’re also great breeders.

Some Westerners believe that Jews are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Some Singaporeans believe that Indians are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Some Indians believe that Chinese are liars, cheats and control all the money.

Many Americans believe that blacks are criminals and spread disease.

Many people believe that sex workers are criminals and spread disease.

Many strippers believe that escorts are criminals and spread disease.

Many higher-end escorts believe that street workers are criminals and spread disease.

What’s the real point of having prejudice if it’s all so interchangeable as to be essentially meaningless?

i just like this

Isn’t reverse racism when a racist is nice to somebody else? What [white men] are afraid of is called karma. Wanda Sykes

singapore — bastion of enlightenment, sensitivity and tolerance

Hermes store window display on Orchard Road, Singapore. More photos in my online album.
Hermes store window display on Orchard Road, Singapore. More photos in my online album.

Singapore actually is a fairly tolerant place, except when it comes sexism, racism and a certain amount of ageism. There’s also materialism but it’s not anything near the levels of Hong Kong. Anyhow, I could not believe this store window display from Hermes. That they’re French is no excuse. Would this store window fly in America? I doubt it. Has it raised a peep in Singapore? Not that I can tell.

My Aussie roommate was shocked by these photos. Anyone is free to tell me that I’m over-reacting or taking this out of context (or even explain exactly what the context is). All I know is that my jaw dropped and I nearly tripped on the sidewalk when I first passed the store. I came back at night so the windows would be well-lit. Sorry about the humidity causing condensation on the glass.

I was planning this whole long post about the Singapore (and Asian) maid culture, but I really just wanted to post these photos!