tagged again

It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so…

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1. Tagged by Aspasia and Lia.
2. Above.


  • I’m not as gadget-friendly/technologically-advanced as people might think.
  • I have actually started drinking coffee, contrary to this post.
  • The massive pile of unanswered emails is now a daily guilt-trip.
  • I’ve learned to text and am just as quickly learning to dislike it. It’s actually making me appreciate an actual phone conversation more.
  • Freedom ain’t free.
  • I fear ridiculous things and am fearless where normal people won’t tread.
  • 4. Too tired to pass it on. Sorry. I’m not playing tag very well today.
    5. n/a
    6. yes

    my first anthology

    So now I’m a professional blogger, I guess. My blog post about Kushiel’s Dart and how it affected my approach to my work was selected to appear in an anthology on prostitution. They paid me and everything. I have a copy of the book at home, though I haven’t cracked it yet (Gillette got an essay in there too).

    I like this because it was pretty painless. All I have to do is blog for several more years and I’ll have a book! (That was a joke.)

    UPDATE: Jacqueline Carey mentioned on her November homepage updates. I’m so flattered. I still probably won’t be able to speak should I get to attend another book-signing of hers.

    notes from a free-range chicken

    “Ingredients for Chicken Katsu” by LexnGer, is licensed under CC BY 2.0

    I’m trying to assemble my thoughts and feelings into some kind neat package for reading. A fellow activist and sex worker had an even worse experience than I did. I was shocked to read her posts. Frankly, I was hoping I was an anomaly. You know, once an indie always an indie. Or that I’m just a little princess (ex-boyfriends might agree with that one).

    Mariko’s horrifying account at least makes me feel I’m not crazy.

    Still, I didn’t have problems with the people there. I was welcomed. The problems I ran into were more systematic problems. And I’m well aware I’m the sort of person for whom the walls close in fast. This doesn’t make me the ideal candidate for a lock-down brothel, but I thought I could handle this experience.

    I do intend on trying another brothel. Kit Kat, Wild Horse/Mustang Ranch, and Sagebrush seem like candidates. I will be researching before I go. It will probably be the end of September or sometime in October. Probably not soon.

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